Presentation Guidelines

      The purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity and experience of preparing reasoned and supported arguments both for and against the view of whether anthropomorphism is appropriate in the field of behaviorism.

      For this task, you and perhaps another (no more than 3 per chapter, though) will be assigned a chapter from the book "Animal Wise" or an article written by the text's author, Virginia Morell. You will present the basics of the chapter (i.e., the main points of interest as well as any indications that anthropomorphism occurred via the author or the researchers she interviewed). You will then present reasons for and against the appropriateness of those examples of anthropomorphism as a tool for furthing knowledge in the field.

Please do not exceed 10-12 slides for your presentation! (Getting by with fewer is ok.)

      In addition, the handout article (Mitchell) contains relevant information that will help you to frame the anthropomorphic approaches you encounter in the text.

  • Outline your summaries and arguments using professional language - provide context, relevant information from the Mitchell article, etc.

  • Provide sources for any additional outside resources you use (in APA format).

  • Be prepared to discuss where you stood on this issue before you read the chapter as well as where you stand after the presentation. Explain reasons for your views.


    EACH OF YOU MUST PROVIDE DR. PAUL WITH ANYWHERE FROM 3 TO 5 COMPLETE QUESTIONS (with answer key) ABOUT THE CHAPTER YOU ARE PRESENTING NO LATER THAN 5:00pm TWO DAYS BEFORE YOUR PRESENTATION (although EARLIER than that deadline is greatly appreciated). He will need time to create and print out the quiz.

    ALSO, keep in mind that 40 percent of your presentation grade will come from participating in others' presentations (i.e., asking relevant questions, responding appropriately to the presenters, etc.). Fifty percent for the presentation, and 10 percent for the quiz questions.

Chapter Assignments & Presentation Dates
Morrell Ch 4: Parrots in Translation Fath & Nicholson 09/25 [W]
Morrell Ch 5: The Laughter of Rats Scammell & Slaybaugh 09/30 [M]
Morrell Ch 6: Elephant Memories Knight 10/09 [W]
Morrell Ch 7: The Educated Dolphin Peterson & Shotto 10/09 [W]
Morrell Ch 8: The Wild Minds of Dolphins Grassa & Nicholas 10/14 [M]
Morrell Ch 9: What it Means to be a Chimpanzee    Bosack & Brennan 10/16 [W]
Morrell Ch 10: Of Dogs and Wolves Brandon & Moore 10/23 [W]
Morrell: From Wolf to Dog Croyle & Skoff 11/04 [M]
Morrell: How Orcas Work Together Kilpatrick & Vuletich 11/11 [M]
Mama's Last Hug: An Ape Matriarch's Farewell Giovannelli & Sawyer 11/11 [M]
Mama's Last Hug: Window to the Soul Dine & Krut 11/18 [M]
Mama's Last Hug: Body to Body Collins & Robinson 12/02 [M]
Mama's Last Hug: Will to Power Fagerstrom & Williams 12/04 [W]