Key Points

Here is a list of the 26 principles I will be covering this semester. These are just an introductory sampling of the ways that people are fooled into believing things that are not (or not likely to be) true. As the semester wears on, I will be adding content to this page (filling in the table) so that by the time you are presenting, you should have a nice summary of some things to look out for. Once the table is completed, I will prepare a nice PDF of this table for you to download that can be nicely printed out: DOWNLOAD.

Tricks Used To Deliberately Fool People
PrincipleExampleTypically used in or by...
1One AheadPsychics
2Multiple outPsychics; ESP
3Confederates (Shills)Psychics; CAM; ESP
4MisdirectionCryptids; ESP; Pseudoscience
5LyingPsychics; Ghosts; Cryptids; CAM; ESP; UFOs; Pseudoscience
6ControlESP; Pseudoscience

Common (But Flawed) Methods of Belief Formation
PrincipleExampleRelied upon too heavily in/by...
1IntuitionConspiracies; Psychics; CAM; Ghosts; Cryptids; ESP; Pseudoscience
2LogicConspiracies; Cryptids; UFOs; Ghost Hunters; Pseudoscience
3EmotionConspiracies; Psychics; ESP; CAM; Ghosts; Cryptids; UFOs
4Sense ExperienceConspiracies; Psychics; CAM; Ghosts; Cryptids; ESP; UFOs; Pseudoscience
5TenacityPsychics; CAM; Ghosts; Cryptids
6AuthorityConspiracies; CAM; UFOs; Cryptids; Pseudoscience

Some Bad Habits That Thwart Critical Thinking
PrincipleExampleRelied upon too heavily in/by...
1Availability HeuristicConspiracies; CAM; Ghosts; Psychics; Pseudoscience
2Confirmation Bias ("fishing trips")Conspiracies; Psychics; CAM; Ghosts; Cryptids; ESP; UFOs
3Causality From CoincidenceConspiracies; Psychics; CAM; Ghosts; ESP; Pseudoscience
4Intellectual LazinessConspiracies; CAM; Pseudoscience
5Need For Certainty (intolerance of ambiguity)Conspiracies; Psychics; Superstitions; CAM; Ghosts; UFOs; Pseudoscience
6Focus On Hits/Ignoring Misses (cherry picking)Conspiracies; Psychics; ESP; CAM; Ghosts; Pseudoscience
7Pareidolia And ApopheniaConspiracies; Psychics; ESP; Ghosts; UFOs; Pseudoscience
8Memory ErrorsConspiracies; Psychics; Ghosts; UFOs

Poor Excuses Pretending To Be Valid Arguments
Poor ExcuseExampleBeware their use in/by...
1Irreducible MinimumConspiracies; Psychics; CAM; Ghosts; Cryptids; UFOs
2"They laughed at Einstein!"Conspiracies; Cryptids; Pseudoscience
3Ignorance (Dunning-Kruger)Conspiracies; CAM; Ghosts; Pseudoscience
4TestimonialsConspiracies; Psychics; CAM; Ghosts; Cryptids; ESP; UFOs; Pseudoscience
5Irrefutable Hypothesis (falsifiability)Conspiracies; Psychics; CAM; Ghosts; Cryptids; UFOs; Pseudoscience
6Violations of Occam's RazorConspiracies; Psychics; CAM; Ghosts; Cryptids; UFOs; Pseudoscience