Schedule of Presentations

Listed below, I have provided the schedule of presentations. I am willing to be somewhat flexible in terms of changing dates if need be (but the NEED must be clear AND it cannot be last-minute) as long as you can find someone(s) willing to switch with you. Also, it may be the case that the schedule will be modified slightly due to unforseen circumstances (e.g., snow cancellation, etc.). So keep checking back if (or in case) something unusual happens.

Presentations should be no more than 15 minutes and should allow about 5-10 additional minutes of class discussion (i.e., the goal is to keep things within a 25-minute timeframe so that up to 3 presentations can fit into a 75-minute class).

Although each date has names listed alphabetically, the actual presentation order is flexible/random.

Breakdown of Points: You can earn up to 25 points.
  1. [15 pts] Presentation: Broken down as follows:
    • Comprehensiveness and clarity: Sufficient tutorial followed by thorough critical analysis tied to course content (10 pts).
    • Effective response to questions (5 pts).
  2. [10 pts] Class Participation (how well you participate in OTHER peoples' presentations).

[M] April 14 TBATBA
[W] April 16 TBATBA

[M] April 21 TBATBA
[W] April 23 TBATBA