Things to do to keep your grades low
- Cram for exams.
- Miss classes
- Don't ask questions when they occur to you.
- Avoid opportunities to test yourself by staying quiet in class.
- Try to work out comprehension problems on your own.
- Only do the minimum necessary to get by.
- Wait until just before the exam to read the text.
- Avoid the professor.
- Rely on copies of old exams rather than actually trying to learn the material.
- Wait until the last minute to ask what you can do to improve your grades.
- Settle for a lower grade (convince yourself that you could have done better if
you'd wanted to, and hey, that's what's really important anyway... right?).
- Assume that the amount of effort you put into a class should mean more than the quality of
your performance.
- Get the attitude of "who needs this?" or, "I'm only taking this class because it's
- Figure that you can "make up the difference" on the next exam.
- Do homework (etc.) at the last minute.
- Hope that a little extra credit might turn that "C" into an "A."
- Assume that the professor graded your exam perfectly (so don't bother checking your exam
to see if you lost points that you didn't deserve to lose).
- Don't take notes during lecture.
- Complain about how much work you have rather than actually doing it.
- Give up.