My default interests are my dogs: Brisco (3 parts
catahoula leopard, 7 parts land-piranha);
and Socrates who is a miniature dappled-dachshund whose primary goal in life is to become the
world's first living playdough factory... only that's NOT playdough he keeps pumping out...
Oh, yeah, how could I forget my cat Tony which is a
shortened version of his real name - Tornado-Siren (believe me, this is a perfect name for him). |
Dr. Paul's Playlist: If you are interested in knowing what is on DP's
mp3-player (and of course who wouldn't be?), then go ahead and click HERE!
My baby sister (Jennifer) has a cute daughter
and a handsome (redheaded) son ,
but she won't let me post their pictures on the internet (yet). We have this deal going where if she and her husband die, I get the kids. So, I'm keeping my fingers
I've been making fitful and generally unsuccessful attempts to reverse the weight that has accumulated over the past decade. I still have 45 (or so) pounds yet to
go. My wife and I both enjoy going to the movies. My reading passion is science
fiction, and related to this is my expensive interest in unusual (i.e., not StarWars or StarTrek) sci-fi plastic models (collecting at least, not so much
building). I recently tried my hand at building one of the Jedi Knight's trademark tools: A Light Saber!
Cynthia's Art Gallery: I'm really happy to be able to
show you some examples of my wife's artwork. She specializes in oil portraits, but as you can see, she works well with
other subjects. (You should ask her to draw your portrait. She's very good!) Recently she has been expanding her talents
into the water-color arena, and, she's learning a new technique of painting without brushes (she's painting only with
palette knives, and some of what you'll see in the gallery are knife paintings). Check it out and email her if you'd like
to know more (or just tell her what you think about her work: paulc@rmu.edu). |
Some Potentially Interesting Links
- What does Dr. Paul want for his birthday? Or, he'll accept it as a Christmas gift... Or a Hanukah gift? Or, I bet he'd take this as a bribe for better grades!
Wait, wait, he'll accept this ANYTIME, in fact, he'll trade his CAR for it... ok, that's not a good trade, but what about... you can have ALL his pets! That's a well-trained
cat and one well-trained dog (don't ask what they're "well-trained" at though), plus a weiner dog that's RIPE for training. I KNOW, how about if I give you EVERYTHING?! House,
car, wife, pets, comic book collection, toys, furniture, EVEN a kitchen sink! I just gotta have one of these!
- I make no secret of the fact that I'd like to become either a superhero, or, an immortal vampire. However, sadly,
neither scenario has yet materialized. In the mean-time, though, I ran across this website that determines which superhero
best matches your responses to some personal questions.
Here are MY (not really very surprising) results: You are Superman
You are mild-mannered, good, strong and you love to help others. |
Superman |
| 65% | The Flash |
| 60% | Spider-Man |
| 60% | Robin |
| 58% | Green Lantern |
| 55% | Iron Man |
| 50% | Catwoman |
| 40% | Hulk |
| 40% | Batman |
| 40% | Supergirl |
| 33% | Wonder Woman |
| 23% |
Click here to take the "Which Superhero are you?" quiz.
- OK, here's more evidence of Dr. Paul's bizarre interests. Can't say I like EVERY one of their songs... But there's
something about them that appeals to my horror-movie slash video-game side. Check them out (probably my favorite song is
one or more of the versions of Gonna Getcha followed by We are the ones).
- WRFR 93.3 FM Radio. My brother-in-law (Kevin Kecy) hosts (or at least he used to) a
Saturday morning radio show in Maine (8:00 to 9:00 AM). The link is for streaming audio, but here is the actual station
web site: http://www.wrfr.org/.
- A few years back I briefly dabbled in building light sabers:
Steve's $35.00 Homemade Light Saber!
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(Saber "blade" not included.) |

Here's an interior (cross section) view... of course...
- Saber Site: Some nice ideas along with parts/prices list.
- Parks Sabers: Don't want to make one, but have lots of money to buy a nice one? This is the site you've been
looking for!
- Depressing, but hypnotic to watch. I think it would be cool to see an alternative version of this clock that estimates
things more positive to think about.
- DP is very much into magic (especially mentalism, which means you should check out
Banachek's web site). There is also a pretty good website where you can get magic
trick videos (instructions) pretty cheaply:

Enter the "code" from the card above and get two free tricks (no purchase neccessary)!
Addicted to LIP BALMS?: If you, like my wife, are
addicted to chapstick or some other lipwax crap, this site is a MUST SEE!
EUREKALERT: I really like this site for
providing pretty up-to-the-minute scientific discoveries across virtually all disciplines!
The Dialectizer: Very funny site that
transforms text or (almost) any web page you specifiy into some dialect (Redneck, Jive,
Cockney, Elmer Fudd, Swedish Chef, Moron, Pig Latin, Hacker, or Censor)!
Dealing with SPAMers: A brief
guide on how to defend yourself from SPAM.
- Healthy Skepticism: