Definitions/Descriptions of "PostDoc":
"a temporary appointment the primary purpose of which is to provide for continued education or experience in research usually, though not necessarily, under the supervision of a senior mentor. Included are appointments in government and industrial laboratories which resemble in their character and objectives postdoctoral appointments in universities. Excluded are appointments in residency training programs in the health professions"
"a postdoc is a student who has completed a Ph.D. and who is doing full time research under the general oversight of a senior professor for a year or two prior to taking a permanent position in academe, industry or government."
"The postdoctoral appointment is a temporary appointment in academia, industry, government or nonprofit research organizations primarily for the purpose of allowing individuals to obtain additional education and training in research"
"a postdoc is someone who has recently received a Ph.D. and who views the postdoc appointment as prerequisite training or experience for a post in academia, government or industry"
Criteria for a Postdoctoral Appointment: